GoodFences improves communication, collaboration, and trust between homeowners and their community associations

We believe in the power of strong communities. Our technology closes gaps in communication, compliance, and issue resolution.

Property is personal. It represents what is most people’s single largest investment and it is a reflection of an owner’s personal styles and tastes.

Everyday, community association staff delicately balance protecting home values and neighborhood standards against difficult and challenging homeowner actions and requests. Unfortunately, gaps in communication, compliance, and issue resolution work undermine the trust necessary for community associations to carry out their mandate.

Convenient way to stay connected to your HOA and neighborhood community

Homeowners can manage their own account to make payments and access documents such as bylaws or rules & regulations. Request maintenance services and architectural requests online, with the convenience of monitoring progress in real time.

Never miss an important announcement with community news feed and update notifications.

For Homeowners

Manage your community with ease, modernize your back office operations, and support regulation compliance.

Simplify project management with at-a-glance dashboards and task assignments. Manage architectural requests and resale disclosure processes with automated workflows, digital documents, and private messaging.

Reporting and insights help monitor performance and community satisfaction.

For Management


Comprehensive solution designed to keep everyone from residents to management connected and informed


Digitized, data driven processes standardize and automate administrative tasks, saving both time and costs

Easy to Use

Friendly, intuitive designs empower residents and staff to self-manage their own tasks and requests statuses


Designed with input from community management experts aimed at providing transparency and fostering trust

“Our mission is to help communities build trust and harmony through transparency, communication, and – simply put – a simpler way of doing things when it comes to your HOA experience. ”

— Michael Timmons, GoodFences CEO

GoodFences is coming to your neighborhood soon

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